


HORIBA STEC SF-1U SF-2U VP-1 VP-2电子式皂膜流量计

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  • 品  牌:
  • 日本HORIBA
  • 主要规格:
  • SF-1U SF-2U VP-1 VP-2
  • 用  途:
  • 精确计测和控制
    • HORIBA STEC SF-1U SF-2U VP-1 VP-2电子式皂膜流量计 HORIBA STEC提供多种不同类型的气体质量流量控制器以满足客户不同的需求。所有产品都拥有高精度、快速响应的特性。多种不同类型的气体质量流量控制器皆拥有宽泛的流量范围,客户可选择适合的阀门类型。我们可提供三种阀门,客户可选择热式阀门、电磁线圈阀门、或者压电陶瓷阀。同样我们也可提供多种不同的通讯方式,包括模拟式、数字式、DeviceNet™,以及PROFIBUS™,RS485,cc-link,(取决于产品型号)。我们产品的流量范围可覆盖微量流量直至更大流量。 HORIBA STEC质量流量控制器是一种计测和控制流体流量的装置。流体的流量计测通常可分为体积流量和质量流量。体积流量由于受到计测时环境温度和压力的影响,如需要准确测定时,必须对温度和压力进行调整。而质量流量计在测定流体质量的时候,不容易受到环境温度和压力等外在因素的影响而能准确地进行流体测量。在必须对流量进行精确计测和控制的领域,质量流量控制器被广泛的使用,例如半导体工业、太阳能光电工业和微电子加工制造业等 *1 Devicenet是一种通讯方式的标志。 *2 PROFIBUS是一种国际化的通讯方式标志。 提供多气体,多量程的解决方案,是销量很多的气体质量流量控制器。高精度,快速响应,轻巧的尺寸。全金属密封,橡胶密封 适用于广泛范围的流量控制:在同一系列中,适于从0.2SCCM到500SLM(N2)的流量控制适用于广泛的用途:在普通产业市场中,拥有众多的销售业绩,低成本:产品系列中有力求具有成本优势的型号:SEC-E40MK3/E50MK3 SEC-E60 用于宽广范围的流量控制,其控制范围可以从0.2 SCCM到1000 SLM(以N2为标准) 应用领域 化工/石化/石油/天然气   生物反应/生命科学   食品饮料 LED FPD   冶金   电力能源及水处理   造纸   环境保护及控制   汽车   半导体/光伏   微电子 EPC及系统集成商 The SF-1U/2U combines precision volumetric tubing with a soap film detector (patented) that allows it to measure the flow of any type of gas accurately. It measures the amount of time required for the movement of a soap film through a portion of the volumetric tubing (of a standard volume), and determines the gas flow rate using that time value along with measured values for atmospheric pressure and temperature during the relevant time period. There are four different volumetric tubing units (VP series), suitable for different gas flow levels. The SF-2U features an internal atmospheric pressure sensor. The SF series of precision film flow rate meters use a combination of precision volumetric tubing and a soap film detector (patented) to measure the flow rate of any type of gas. When the start switch is turned on, the film link begins to work, and a soap film is generated at the opening of the volumetric tubing. The soap film is moved up into the volumetric tubing by the flow of the gas, and the time it takes the film to pass two detectors installed a set distance apart from each other is measured. The value for the volume between the two detectors can be determined precisely, and that volume, the time it took the film to pass between the detectors, the temperature, and the atmospheric pressure are read into a microcomputer. Calculations to correct for vapor pressure (see formula) are performed automatically, and the flow rate, converted to a standard 25°C and 1013 hPa, is displayed

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