

  • 机械噪音CE认证

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  • 供应机械噪音CE认证,噪声CE认证,山东CE认证 1.链锯A power-driven tool designed to cut wood with a saw chain and cisting of an integrated compact unit of handles. 噪音声级限值 101-118 参考标准 ISO 22868:2005 2.压实机(夯)Compaction machines (explosion rammers)A machine which compacts materials, e.g. rock fills, soil or asphalt surfacing, through a vibrating action of the working tool. 噪音声级限值 99-108 3.带高压冲水机车 A vehicle which may work either as a high pressure flusher or as a suction vehicle. See high pressure flusher and suction vehicle. 噪音声级限值 103-123 4.压实机Compaction machinesA machine which compacts materials, e.g. rock fills, soil or asphalt surfacing,through a rolling, ping or vibrating action of the working tool 噪音声级限值 98-113 参考标准 EN 500-4:2006 5.Compressors (<350 kW)空压机小于350KW Any machine for use with interchangeable equipment which compresses air, gases or vapours to a pressurehigher than the inlet pressure. 噪音声级限值 83-102 6.Concrete-breakers and picks, hand-held 手动混凝土破碎机和镐 Powered (by any method) concrete-breakers and picks used to perform work on civil engineering and building sites. 噪音声级限值103-113 详情咨询:4000-255-998


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