

  • ASTM D 3574:2005—海棉物理性能测试

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  • 对应法规:ASTM D 3574:2005
  • ASTM D 3574:2005—海棉物理性能测试 Test item (测试项目) No. of specimens (试样尺寸) Figures of test result (数据的测试结果) Test A—Density 密度测试( kg/m3) 3pcs 100*100*100mm Calculate the density in kilograms per cubic metre Test B1—IFD 硬度 (N) 3pcs 380*380*100mm The force in newtons required for 25% and 65% indentations Test B2—IFD-specified force 指定力下的硬度 (N) 3pcs 380*380*实际厚度 mm(厚度大于50mm) The thickness after 60±3s at 4.5N,110N and 220N Test C—Compression force deflection test 压缩系数 3pcs 50*50*25mm Compress the specimen 50% of the thickness at 50mm/min and determine the final force after 60±3s 在压缩50%的情况下保持1分钟,看读数的值 Test D—Constant deflection compression set test 压缩永久变形(%) 3pcs 50*50*25mm Place the specimen and deflect it to either 50% 75% or 90% of its thickness, at air oven 70±2℃ and 6% RH. For 22 在以上压缩比例任选一个,温度70度,湿度6%,放置22小时,看海绵的恢复情况 Test E—Tensile/Elongation test拉伸强度(kgf/cm2)/伸长率(%) 3pcs 25.4*139.7*12.5mm 见FIG. 1 At 500mm/min, Calculate the tensile strength by dividing the maximum breaking force by the original cross-sectional area of the specimen Test F—Tear resistance test 撕裂强度(N/m) 3pcs 152.4*25.4*25.4mm 见FIG. 2 At 500mm/min tear strength in newtons per meter Test I1—Fatigue test :static force loss test at constant deflection 静态疲劳测试 3pcs 380*380*实际厚度mm(厚度大于50mm) Percentage loss of thickness and the percentage loss of 25 and 65 % IFD if the thickness loss is less than 10 % 如果硬度损失小于10%,应该考查25%和65%的损失的百分比


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