

  • CDM Validation/Verification

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  • 认证机构类别:认证机构
  • CDM 项目介绍 About CDM


    CDM Validation/Verification





      Global Warming has become a threat to our international community. According to a study by IPCC, from 1970 to 2004, anthropogenic greenhouse gas (GHG) emission has risen by 70%. Increasing concentrations of greenhouse gases produced by human activities have become one of the main factors contributing to global warming. Mankind have already witnessed the dire aftermath of global warming: the continuing retreat of glaciers, rising sea levels, more frequent occurrence of extreme-weather, drastic changes in change in the amount and pattern of precipitation, decreasing crop yields and outbreaks of epidemics…

      We should all help to mitigate climate change. One effective way of doing it is to help reduce GHG emissions.
      NAC is dedicated to verifiable reductions of GHG emissions.

      One of the solutions: Clean Development Mechanism (CDM)
      Defined in Article 12 of the Kyoto Protocol, the Clean Development Mechanism is a flexible mechanism that provides for emissions reduction projects which generate Certified Emission Reduction units which may be traded in emissions trading schemes. 
      It is intended to meed to objectives: to assist parties not included in Annex I in achieving sustainable development and in contributing to the ultimate objective of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), which is to prevent dangerous climate change; and (2) to assist parties included in Annex I in achieving compliance with their quantified emission limitation and reduction commitments (greenhouse gas (GHG) emission caps).

    CDM项目流程信息 Outline of CDM Project Cycle


    审定核查流程 Validation & Verification Process

     审定流程图 CDM Project Validation process

     核查流程图 CDM Project Verification process

    审定核查申请 Application

     NAC审定核查申请表 Application Form

     NAC申请与合同签约控制程序 Measures and Procedures for Management of Applicant and Contract

    申投诉处理 Appeals, Complaints & Disputes

     申投诉申请 Application for appeals, complaints and disputes

     申投诉处理流程 Measures and Procedures for Handling Appeals, Complaints and Disputes

    项目信息Project Information



    收费标准Assessment Charges





    Impartiality Commitment


      On behalf of Northeast Audit Co., Ltd.(NAC), I solemnly declare that NAC understands that impartiality is necessary for NAC to deliver assessment (audit, certification, validation and verification) that provides confidence. NAC promises to manage conflicts of interests that arise from assessment activities and identify and analyze this kind of risks to impartiality of assessment so as to take corresponding measures to minimize and/or eliminate their threats to impartiality.

      NAC treats all organizations which apply for assessment services equally and impartially. NAC attaches not monetary or other unjustifiable conditions to assessment contracts. NAC has not interested based relations with governmental administrative organs. NAC rejects all forms of funding and support that will impair impartiality of assessment. NAC does not develop or market services that will impair impartiality of assessment. NAC will not form interest based relations with client organizations.

      NAC does not accept assessment application that will influence impartiality. NAC does not provide assessment services to organizations funded by NAC or organizations that have monetary links with NAC. NAC contracts come from application directly from organizations and NAC does not accept application from consulting entities. NAC, as well as any subsidiary or any division of NAC, will not suggest or provide consulting services related to its assessment, including price quotes for consulting services.

      NAC abides by “aims for quality but not quantity, and pursues not instant success or immediate profits but impartiality and professionalism” and invites supervision from regulatory/accreditation authorities and the public to safeguard subjectivity and impartiality.

    权利和义务Rights and Obligations



    其他文件 Other Documents

     NAC 组织机构Organizational Chart and Departmental Responsibilities

     >NAC认证审核启动与准备管理程序Measures and Procedures for Initiating and Preparing for Audit/Validation/ Verification

     >NAC认证审核报告管理程序Measures and Procedures for Reporting Audit/ Validation/Verification Outcomes

     ">NAC认证决定管理程序Measures and Procedures for Management of Audit/ Validation/Verification Outcomes

     >NAC审定核查管理程序Measures and Procedures for Management of Validation/ Verification



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