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    • NAZGF Series DC Hipot test set 南澳电气NAZGF直流高压发生器 南澳电气NAZGF直流高压发生器产品简介 NAZGF系列直流高压发生器,是南澳电气公司根据新的中国电力待业标准DL/T848.1-2004《直流高压发生器通用技术条件》设计制造的新一代便携式直流高压试验器。NAZGF系列直流高压发生器主要适用于电力部门、工矿、冶金、钢铁等企业动力部门对氧化锌避雷器、电力电缆、变压器、发电机等高压电气设备进行直流耐压试验。 南澳电气NAZGF直流高压发生器产品别名 直高发、高压发生器、中频直流高压发生器、高压直流发生器、直流高压发生器、直流发生器、便携式直流高压发生器、高频直流高压发生器、交直流高压发生器、智能直流高压发生器 南澳电气NAZGF直流高压发生器产品特性 1.采用高频倍压电路,应用PWM脉宽调制技术和大功率IGBT器件。 2.采用电压大反馈,输出电压稳定度高,纹波系数小≤1%。 3.全量程平滑调压,电压调节细度好调节精度≤0.5%,稳定度≤1%,电压电流误差1%(读数±0.2KV),电流误差±1个字。 4.升压电位器零起升压。 5.75%UDC1mA功能按钮,方便氧化锌避雷器试验,精度1%读数±1%。 5. 过压保护采用拔码设定,一目了然,误差±1%。 6.倍压采用新型材料,轻巧、坚固。外表涂特种绝缘材料,电气性能好,防潮能力强。 7.折叠式撑脚,直径面积大,稳定性能好。 8.NAZGF-40KV一体化设计、高压拖地电缆引出,方便现场试验。 9.符合DL/T848.1-2004技术要求,并经电力部电气设备质量检测测试中心型式试验,严格执行南澳电气公司标准出厂。 Product introduction The new generation portable NAZGF DC Hipot test sets also named DC high voltage generator, it is NANAO ELECTRIC based on the latest national electric standard DL/T848.1-2004 "The technical specification of DC hipot tester". NAZGF DC hipot test sets are mainly used in the electric power sector, mining, metallurgy, steel and other power companies for DC hipot testing on MOA, power cables, transformers, generators and other electrical equipment. Also called name DC Hipot Tester, DC Dielectric Test Set, DC voltage generator, DC high voltage test set The Characteristics of the products NAZGF Series DC Hipot test set(all in one、Separate type) 1.Adopt high frequency multi voltage circuit, PWM pulse width modulation technology and high-power IGBT devices. 2.Adopt voltage large feedback, output voltage is stable, ripple factor less than ≤1%. 3.Full range with smooth regulating, voltage regulate fitness precision ≤0.5%, stability≤1%,voltage / current error 1%(reading ±0.2KV), current error ±1 digital. 4.Potentionmeter step up from zero. 5.75%UDC1mA functional button, easy for MOA testing, accuracy : 1% reading ±1%. 6.Over voltage protection adopts drawing code setting, is clear, error ±1%. 7.Multivoltage cylinder adopt new material, light weight, firm. The surface coated special insulation material, good electrical performance, strong moisture resistance. 8.Folding supporting type, long diameter, stable performance. 9.NAZGF-40KV integrated design, high voltage drag cable, easy for field testing. 10.NAZGF serious product meet the DL/T848.1-2004 technical requirement, and have been inspected by electric quality & inspection department, strict implementation of company standard.

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