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  • 主要规格:
  • 用  途:
  • 应用于检测均质金属、陶瓷、塑料、岩心、复杂铸件、半导体。广泛应用于航空航天、汽车配件制造、机械、电气、船舶、兵器、材料、地质、考古等诸多领域。
    • X射线实时成像在线检测应用领域 APPLICATION FIELD OF X-RAY REAL-TIME IMAGING SYSTEM 实时成像应用领域: 1. 汽车轮毂、零部件检测 2.汽车轮胎检测 3.有色金属低压铸造检测 4.半导体器件、电池检测 5.弹体检测 6.锅炉焊管检测 7.直缝钢管、螺旋焊管检测 8.耐火材料检测 9.考古检测 10.飞机原位检测 11.钢瓶检测 12.食品安全检 13.长输管线检测 14.活塞检测 15.气泵缸体检测 16.火车厢体连接器检测 17.火车轮盘、轮架检测 18.高压开关壳体检测 19.环氧树脂材料检测 20.电子元器件检测 Application fields: 1.To test the wheel and other parts of car 2.To test the tyre of car 3.To test the non-ferrous metals casting by low-pressure processing 4.To test the semiconductor apparatus and battery 5.To test the bullet 6.To test the boiler tube 7.To test straight pipe or screwy pipe 8.To test refractory material 9.For archaeological testing 10.To test aircraft without being disassembled 11.To test the cylinder 12.For the food safety testing 13.To test the long-distance transport pipes 14.To test the plunger 15.To test the Pump cylinder 16.To test the connector of train 17.To test the wheel and frame of wheel of train 18.To test the shell of high voltage switch 19.To test the epoxy resin material 20.To test the electron component 压力容器在线数字检测系统配置 1. X射线探伤机 2. X射线图象处理显示系统 3. 机械检测线装置 4. 电气控制系统 5. 现场监控系统 Digital X-ray Real-time Imaging System For Testing Cylinder 1. X-ray unit 2. X-ray real-time image processing system 3. Mechanical inspection line device 4. Controller device for electricity 5. Scene monitor device 弹体在线检测系统配置 1. X射线探伤机 2. 平板数字成像系统 3. 检测机构 4. 铅防护房 5. 中央控制系统 6. 现场监控系统 Digital X-ray system for testing bullet 1. X-ray unit 2. Digital flat detector 3. Inspection framework 4. Lead cabinet 5. Controller device 6. Scene monitor device 锅炉焊管在线检测系统配置 1. X射线探伤机 2. X射线图象处理显示系统 3. 强送装配 4. 检测机构 5. 铅防护房 6. 中央控制系统 7. 现场监控系统 Real-time detector system configuration for boiler welded pipe inspection 1.X-ray unit 2.X-ray image processing system 3.Transport device 4.Inspection framework 5.Lead cabinet 6.Controller device 7. Scene monitor device 汽车、摩托车轮毂及各种零件 在线检测系统配置 1. X射线探伤机 2. X射线图象处理显示系统 3. 零部件夹持动作装置 4. 机械检测机构 5. 铅防护房 6. 自动控制系统(可编程) 7. 现场监控系统 Digital x-ray system for testing wheel or other parts of car or bicycle 1.X-ray unit 2.X-ray image processing system 3.Device for clamping the part 4.Inspection framework 5.Lead cabinet 6.Automatic controller system(can be programmed it ) 7.Scene monitor device 直缝钢管和螺旋钢管 在线检测系统配置 1. X射线探伤机 2. X射线图象处理显示系统 3. 载管车、探臂、架车 4. 电气控制系统 5. 图像处理系统 6. 现场监控系统 Digital x-ray system for testing straight pipe or screwy pipe 1.X-ray unit 2.X-ray image processing system 3.Device for carrying the tube、boom、 frame device 4. Power cabinet 5. Image processing system 6. Scene monitor device 铸件检测系统配置 1. X射线探伤机 2. X射线图象处理显示系统 3. 零部件夹持动作装置 4. 检测机构 5. 铅防护房 6. 自动控制系统(可编程) 7. 现场监控系统 Digital x-ray system for testing casting 1. X-ray unit 2.X-ray image processing system 3. Device for clamping the part 4. Inspection device 5. Lead cabinet 6. Automatic controller system(can be programmed it )


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