

  • 家用单层床及床垫安全 Domestic furniture - Beds and mattresses

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  • 对应法规:EN 1725
  • Test item 测试名称: 家用单层床及床垫安全 Domestic furniture - Beds and mattresses


    Test info  测试内容:

    7.2 Stability 稳定性
    7.3 Durability Test 耐久测试
    7.4 Vertical Impact Test 垂直冲击测试
    7.5 Durability of Bed Edge 床缘耐久测试
    7.6 Vertical Static Load Test 垂直静载测试
    7.7 Vertical Static Load Test of The Edge of The Bed 床缘垂直静载测试


    Lead time 测试周期: 常规 Regular service 10 working days


    Sample size 送样规格:  2 sets of completed products with all the packing materials and assembly instruction (if applicable) are recommended.


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