

  • LED圣诞灯串UL588认证办理流程

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  • 对应法规:UL588认证
  • 亚马逊哪些灯饰需要办理UL588认证(16CFR 1120.3(C))!!灯条/灯串/夜灯/LED灯具UL588认证/UL153/UL1598/UL1573如何办理呢?费用多少钱?要多久时间?
    由于亚马逊后台对产品的检查是Amazon 机器人抓取的!一旦被抽查到,而卖家提供不灯串UL588认证!如果在48小时之内提供不了UL588认证,所在销售的灯串将被全部下架!那位啥亚马逊要严查灯串呀??因为LED灯串(以及其它类似的用于装饰圣诞节且带电的产品)因为需要连接电源,产品不合格很容易造成火灾,危及民众生命和财产安全,之前曾经发生过类似的案件,所以,每年圣诞旺季前,亚马逊平台总会对圣诞类的产品进行一次地毯式严查,被查到有销售类似产品的卖家,往往会收到邮件通知下架!!
    亚马逊卖家收到邮件如下:Amazon’s policies require that Seasonal and Decorative Lighting Products sold through the Amazon website meet specified certification standards. If you are contacted by Amazon, submit the following information to electronics-safety@amazon.com :1.Company name2.Seller/vendor ID3.Email address4.Phone number5.A list of ASINs you are applying to sell6.Product Images and Manuals, as applicable (images should include all relevant safety information, compliance markings, and product information)Test reports from an ILAC ISO 17025 certified laboratory confirming each product was tested to the requirements listed below:Product: Seasonal and Decorative Lighting Products Regulation/Standard Requirement: UL 588 其实灯串在2017年亚马逊旺季要求卖家提供灯串UL588认证,而且下架了大批没有认证的产品!每逢灯串旺季的老铁要小心了。 精明的卖家都是提前准备好的,有备无患!那亚马逊灯串UL588认证是什么东西呢?有什么要求?如何办理呀? 亚马逊对灯串类必须符合UL588认证的原文要求:Seasonal and decorative lighting products that lack one or more of the following characteristics in conformance with requirements in sections and SB15 of UL 588 (incorporated by reference, see 1. Minimum wire size requirements in section 6 of UL 588;2.Sufficient strain relief requirements in sectionsand 15 of UL 588;3. Overcurrent protection requirements in section 7 of UL 588.即:最小导线尺寸 2.拉力测试要求 3.过电流保护 这三项测试。1、UL 588 section 6的最小线径尺寸要求2、UL 588 SB15 sections的拉力测试要求3、UL 588 section 7的过流保护要求 UL588/UL1598/UL153/1573报告流程:1.填写申请表,2.提供产品的资料,3.寄样品,4.测试OK,5.出报告。

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