

  • 分析天平 ABJ 320-4NM天平 KERN天平西南总代理

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  • 德国KERN分析天平,全球销量第一!首选品牌内校分析天平。 产品名称:KERN分析天平ABJ320-4NM 规  格:320g 0. 1mg 产品备注: 高标准,低价格 产品类别: 实验室分析天平 KERN分析天平ABJ 320-4NM产 品 说 明 容量显示:上升的条形图显示剩余的可用的称量范围。 只需2个按键即可编辑完成一个4位数的ID识别代码 特制的金属外壳,坚硬防腐耐碰撞 ABJ: 内部自动校准分析天平、操作更为方便简洁和准确 型号 KERN ABJ 320-4NM 量程 320mg 精度 0.0001g 秤盘尺寸 80MM 中国区统一市场价 ¥22400.00 上海岛韩实业有限公司 为德国KERN分析天平中国南方地区总代理、总经销。欢迎中国南方地区各城市经销尚、代理商咨询各城市一级代理和一级经销商资格事宜。 Description: ■Note: For applications that require verification, please order verification at the same time, initial verification at a later date is not possible. Verification at the factory, we need to know the full address of the location of use. ■Capacity display. An ascending bar graph displays the remaining available weighing range ■Identification number, 4 numeric positions, 2 button programming method ■metal housing robust and sturdy ■only ABS: Adjusting program CAL, for quick setting of the balance accuracy, external test weights at an additional price ■only ABJ: Automatic internal adjustment


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